The first required course: Eight Hour Pre-Assignment
This course is an introduction to private security services. After successfully completing the course, guards are issued a certificate that must accompany their registration application, which is submitted to the Department of State. Once the application is submitted, the guard has 90 days to complete the second training course. The cost of this class is $60.00
The second required course: 16 Hour On-the-Job Training
Also known as the OJT course, this training program is relevant to a guards specific duties, requirements of the work site, and the needs of the employer. Schools may conduct this training in an approved classroom setting or at an approved work site which is conducive to learning. The cost of this class is $105.00
The third required training program: Eight Hour Annual In-Service (TAKEN ONCE A YEAR)
Each calendar year after the OJT course is completed, guards must complete this training, which is designed to meet current training needs and refresh or update guards in changes in the security field. Completion of this course is a prerequisite for renewal of the guard registration. The cost of this class is $60.00
There are some guard assignments where the risk to personnel or property is high enough to justify the presence of armed guards. S.W.A.T. is known across the region for training vigilant, highly disciplined armed guards, through courses conforming to New York State and Division of Criminal Justice Services standards. To become an armed guard, an applicant must earn security guard certification, after which he or she must take:
The 47 Hour Firearms Course
This course includes seven hours of classroom instruction in the Use of Force (NYS Penal Law Art. 35) and a written examination. The course also includes 40 hours on the firing range, followed by weapons qualification. Upon successful completion of this course, the guard is issued a training certificate; it must be submitted to the Department of State along with his or her registration application. Equipment Ammunition & Supplies you will need for this class: All students must bring their on-duty firearms to class. Students will need a minimum of two magazines for semi-automatic pistols, and two speed loaders for revolvers. Holsters will be worn by the students during range practical exercises. Holsters must be in forward directional draw, securely fastened to the belt and must have a functioning retainer device. The directional draw intended here means the handgun is drawn straight up and out of the holster and brought on target in a straight forward motion. Ankle holsters and inside the waistband holsters will not be allowed. DO NOT bring competition equipment to this school. This included custom bull barrel revolvers, custom semi-automatic pistols, plastic competition style holsters, ammunition trays etc. Will not be allowed. Students will need 400 rounds of practice ammunition and 150 rounds or service ammunition for qualifications. Students WILL NOT be allowed to carry shooting boxes, buckets etc., on to the firing line. Therefore, all equipment plus a minimum of 50 rounds must be capable of being carried on the person. Loose ammunition maybe carried in pockets. Tight "jeans" are not recommended. Clothing for range exercises must enable the student to safely and comfortably assume each required firing positions. This also includes rain gear, cold weather gear and if you choose to wear gloves or any kind. Range exercises will be conducted regardless of weather conditions. Foul weather clothing must be worn under equipment and in no way interfere with using that equipment. Students should also bring to class each day a writing tablet and pencil or pen for notes. Students must have proper SAFETY equipment for class: brimmed hat, wrap around safety glasses and hearing protection. Cleaning equipment and materials to clean the firearm the student is using should be brought to class on day 1. SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION: Students must accomplish the following: Complete all class room instructions. Pass multiple choice testes with a minimum grade of 70%, Demonstrate safe Handgun procedures, and knowledge as well as Range Qualifications of firing 2 qualifying scores of 70% (175 out of a possible 250 points). Qualification scores must accomplished using their duty weapon and service duty ammunition. FULL ATTENDANCE is required to complete the school successfully. NO LOADED FIREARMS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE CLASS ROOM.
The cost of this class is $450.00
In order to renew armed guard registration, guards must take:
The Annual Eight Hour Firearms Training (TAKEN ONCE A YEAR)
Designed as both a refresher course and to update guards in developments in the security field, this course includes three hours of classroom instruction on the Use of Force, followed by a written examination. It also includes five hours of weapons qualification and a proficiency examination. The cost of this class is $125.00
More dates added, sign up now to reserve your spot! phone: 716-822-0560